The Lord will give [unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace. Psalms 29:11 (AMP)
Anxious with a hint of panic. Unexpected life situations popping up with next best step unknown. Moved with compassion and an urgency of my own, I listened to these voicemails overflowing with broken marriages, overwhelmed widows, anguished pastors, struggles with life transitions all expressed in the context of fear. For a moment I became overwhelmed myself with the same flood of fear consuming my voice mail.
They were calling me for answers!
I calmed, a quiet reminder activated in my awareness. I am just the instrument, God will provide the comfort and clarity needed to dissipate this tide of fear.
I have not and do not always stay so grounded in my faith. Fear is my default. Anxiety, abundant in my DNA. Insecurities driven by fears of being not good enough, alone and powerless often sabotage any clarity or wisdom I may have.
But my security is covered by the truth that I am more than enough through God’s provision (Philippians 4:19) , I am never alone as God will never stop loving me (Romans 8:39), and am empowered by the presence God’s Holy Spirit within me – I am one with Him as Jesus (John 17:11)
Why is it so hard to OWN the truths we as possess as His children? We know it in our head but struggle to believe it in our hearts and live like it is true. The truth is we are His and our DNA changes when we become His.
A recent Ted Talk by Shawn Achor, listed random acts of kindness, grateful thinking and meditation as activities that cause a rise of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine produces an increase in energy and creativity. Science uncovers a way to have stronger minds and energy.
Scripture also reveals the importance of the same actions of grateful thinking, meditation on God, acts of kindness leading us to a life of peace. (Colossians 3:12-17) God’s presence in our heart not only gives us peace but supplies us with a wonderful source of strength and energy as we change our focus.
15-19 That’s why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldn’t stop thanking God for you—every time I prayed, I’d think of you and give thanks. But I do more than thank. I ask—ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength! Ephesians 1:15-19 (MSG)
So, how do we build our connection to God and strengthen our truth?
I have found it takes focused daily intention, to cultivate a healthy perspective from a soul connection to God. Connection with the Father opens us up to receive the blessing of His peace, equipping our minds to release the chaos and receive clarity with energy.
Reach Out – To maintain any relationship we must regularly schedule times to reach out and stay connected or the connection will fade. The same applies to our relationship with God. We must schedule times, regularly, to seek His presence, so we may begin to understand His love. This would include:
- studying the Bible
- listening to praise music
- praying; written or out loud
- “sending” messages to God in a journal
- reading daily devotionals
- download apps on your phone (She Reads, Proverbs 31, IF:gathering are a few)
- spending times of silence in His loving presence
- noticing and being mindful of nature in the moment…spending time getting to know Him in His creation.
Reflect- After spending time with God, continue to reflect and notice His presence in your day. Notice those random “coincidences” that remind you of the truths you experienced in your quiet time…I.E. The scripture you read may be woven into a song on the radio as you drive to work. A co-worker may express a concern that gets your attention connecting back to your quiet time. The list can go on…
It is important not to close the book or journal or close your mind and spirit. Keep your heart open through out the day, mindful of to the leading of God’s Spirit.
You will not see it if you do not look for it.
Receive- When we receive food, we taste it, experience and are nourished by it. To receive God’s truths for us we must experience, take it in, be consumed by an encounter with God. Allow the knowledge of truth to impact your DNA. As you change your perspective of yourself, it will change your perspective of others. It will change your thinking which will change the health of your physical brain.
Respond- Intentionality is the key factor in seek God as well as choosing to act out of your new security in Christ. As we choose compassion and curiosity over anger and personalization we will find a reinforcement of our peace and a decrease in those energy draining actions of stuffing feelings and hiding critical thoughts.
As the truth settles into the “core of your being” you will experience an enlightened strength and a powerful peace. Just “let it go down”
“Into the core of your being. And as you read, expect Him to commune with you.” When you read your Bible, receive and savor it like a love letter from God to you. Remember, you’re reading in order to meet Someone. Ponder what you have read, and apply it to your present circumstances. Let it go down ~Bruce Wilkinson
Building trust in God’s truths provides lives that overflow with hope(full)ness replacing the hopelessness of fear. I will strive to continue to grow and strengthen my security in His Truth. Reaching out, Reflecting, Receiving and Responding will give me a practice, a way to find security in God’s promise – He will help those who trust in him.
From long ago no one has ever heard of a God like you.
No one has ever seen a God besides you,
who helps the people who trust you. Isaiah 64:4 (NCV)
He is a Great God – please listen to this song by Plumb as she celebrates our great God.
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