Truth – Original Watercolor painting by Debbie Hannah Skinner.
As a daughter of God I desire to embrace my position as a friend of Christ, who empathizes with my pain and has called me to love others as He has shown me.(John15:15-17, Hebrews 4:14) I am empowered with the same Spirit of Christ to live a life rhythm of grace, love and unselfish giving. (Philippians 2;1-4) As the words in the song Touch the Sky, “‘What treasure waits within Your scars”, I have been given a treasure of redemption. This treasure must be preserved as I thoughtfully, faithfully, confidently live my life with a renewed heart, empowered by the His Spirit, (IITim 1:14) leading others to a relationship with God. (Psalms 51:10-13)
With a joyful heart I am thankful you consider me your friend. Please forgive me when I am not living a life true to our friendship, doubting your power and focusing inwardly on my own fears and selfish resentments. Open my heart to share your merciful love to those that you place in my path. May my words be yours. ~ in Jesus name, AMEN
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