TORNADO WATCH flashed across my phone. A common seasonal occurrence often regarded as a mundane “here we go again” sort of nuisance. However, today was different. I found a current weather report with a real-time video.
The birth of an actual tornado snaking its funnel out of the clouds onto the city was unfolding before my eyes. This realization triggered a barrage of fears expressed in feelings of OUT OF CONTROL, POWERLESSNESS, AND ALONE.
Ultimately the whole family ended up safe in the basement as choices were made to seek shelter. As the storm past, there was a surge of text messages from friends and family checking on the status of our safety.
3 Positive Truths
First, we never have control over our physical world, God does. We must remember; GOD IS IN CONTROL. We are NOT COMPLETELY POWERLESS. the truth is:
1. We can MAKE CHOICES. (we chose protective shelter)
Second, social distancing is the rule of the day, but the truth is:
2. WE ARE NEVER ALONE. (the surge of text from friends)
Finally, even when circumstances are hard, the truth is:
The next day we learned there were no deaths and minor injuries as the F3 tornado past through Jonesboro. There were much relief and thankfulness. People began to come together and help those in need to restore the security of their lives. Surviving and serving in this experience built a sense of connection, personal confidence, and hopefulness.
source: [1] Hargrave, T. D., & Pfitzer, F. (2011). Restoration therapy: understanding and guiding healing in marriage and family therapy. New York, NY: Brunner-Routledge
Restoration therapy is the source regarding the regulation of the fear of being unsafe.
The truth is:
Fear can be washed away with a surge of true faith.
Uncertainties of this world can be overcome by faith in the truths that: God is in control (Romans 11:36), we are empowered to make choices through His Spirit (2 Corinthians 12:9-10), and trials of any sort can grow our character deepening our hope in God’s eternal love. (James 1:2-5) (Romans 5:3-5).
4 Lord, even when your path takes me through
Psalm 23:4 The Passion Translation
the valley of deepest darkness,
fear will never conquer me, for you already have!
You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way.
Your authority is my strength and my peace.[a]
The comfort of your love takes away my fear.
I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.
We do not have to be confused in the chaos. God’s faithfulness remains true in the plague of Corna or the scourge of a tornado. He is a God of the promised land and the God of the unknown wilderness. Listen to words of Jeremy Camp’s song Wilderness and let their truth rest your heart.
Kathy, It is wonderful to see you writing again!!! The encouragement you provide is much needed, thank you.
Let the true presence of God enlighted and encourage us all today!